Figure 7 shows the preferences window for FTPhoto. Default values are pre-selected.

Screenshot of preferences window

Fig. 7

Looking at the options in turn:

  • Save Payment Information if you wish to use the same credit card, or COD specification, on recurrent orders. FTPhoto safely encrypts this information.

  • By default, FTPhoto checks in with the lab on launch, and will notify you if a new version of itself is available. You may de-select this option if you only want to check manually. Be aware, though, that the new version may contain important changes.

  • It is rare, if ever, that "active" FTP is needed. "Passive" mode is used almost exclusively now, but the active option remains (note: as of version 3.8, FTPhoto also supports the SFTP protocol, at the lab's option. This setting is ignored with SFTP.)

  • When entire folders are imported into FTPhoto at once, the default behavior is to only import top-level files, and ignore any nested folders. However, this may be overridden.